Comments on: Digital Archive The Humanities And Technology Camp Sat, 04 Jun 2011 13:00:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Teresa DeFlitch Fri, 26 Jun 2009 13:15:40 +0000 I would be very interested in exploring the idea of “linking students digitally” in collaborative, global projects. I’m currently working on an initiative called the Citizens All Project. The Citizens All Project (CAP) is a new interdisciplinary institute to be offered to grade 9-11 South Kingstown, RI students during summer 2010, in addition to a group of students in Bristol, UK — at the same time. Team-taught by teachers, scholars, and other humanities professionals, student participants will explore issues related to slavery and citizenship. Focused on the importance of local history plus a mastery of research techniques, the institute employs primary sources, local and global history, field trips, new media, critical analysis and best practices in history education. At the outset, students would conduct parallel activities, connect via technology, and possibly culminate the institute in a face-to-face, real time public symposium.

During the pilot run, education leaders from other countries in the Atlantic world, West Africa, Brazil, etc., will be invited to learn more about CAP and to have discussions on how we can offer a similar summer institute in their countries running at the same time as the institutes in the US and the UK — connecting students worldwide in a exploration and conversation on the legacies of the transatlantic slave trade.

We are currently thinking about the best way to connect the students digitally. I look forward to talking with you further!
